Together to help pets and humans

Together to help pets and humans
Showing posts with label animal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Opening a shelter for cats and dogs

Hi everyone!

At the end of July 2012, we are pleased to announce you that we have found a nice plot of 1600m2, with many trees (perfect to stay in the shade). There are a lot of work to clean the green but this large area will allow the establishment of a shelter that can accommodate many cats and dogs.

Here are the pictures:

Our biggest challenge shall be to find the necessary funds to enclose the all area and build a habitat for cats and
boxes for dogs.
A friend who uses to build houses, told me about 800 millions dongs (about 32,000 euros), for this
We have already received some small second-hand furniture. This is an estimate but I think it should
not be very far from the truth in relation to the cost of materials (bricks, cement, sand, stones, wire ...).

Our project will be divided into several stages because of lack of money:

- Build the fence, the most important is to secure the site.
- Clean up the site and prepare the boxes for dogs and a place for cats, a room to
store food, maintain first aid and reception areas for the newcomers.

I talk about a refuge but should rather call it a welcome home for animals abandoned, neglected,
abused, sequestered or even tortured.
These dogs and cats will receive medical care providing by a vet partner before their arrival at the
shelter (sterilization, vaccination ...). After their recovery , we will seek their new host families who
will provide them a new life of love and respect.

We are aware of that some animals will find no takers because they will be disabled or too ill, perhaps too old, that's why the shelter will be a place where they could end their lives without being beaten.
On the contrary they will receive attention every day.

If you want to become a sponsor of this project and help us make it happen faster, we have opened a donation link

If everyone donates even a few dollars, this is a new brick that will be laid.
Stay tuned for the following of this project...
